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‎Within the framework of Rashid University’s endeavor to activate the societal and international role of the issue of addiction, which has become an imminent threat to young people because of the consequent behavioral strikes that threaten the security and safety of contemporary societies.‎


‎Prof. Dr. Amani Mohamed Shebl, Dean of the Faculty of Nursing, Rashid University, invited her to attend the second international conference entitled (Freedom from Addiction – Heroes of Recovery).‎

Held at Kuwait University from 22-23 April 2024 and under the auspices of the Ministry of Interior in the State of Kuwait.

The conference dealt with several themes, including:

  • How to explore the addict and deal with him in effective ways through his interactive sessions and workshops.
  • The first radical solution to the problem is to strengthen family relations between parents and children and the importance of concerted security and legislative efforts.

This conference has achieved a lot of achievements that in turn bring about positive change in the community and promote awareness about the importance of mental health and support for recovering heroes.

At the end of the conference, it was accredited by the American Association for Continuing Medical Education (AACME) (14 credit hours).